A first example : Production Planning
In this quick start guide, we show how to run the FAST quick start example using this package. We guide you through each step of the modeling separately. An IJulia notebook of this example can be found in the examples folder.
We start by setting the different constants
const num_stages = 2
const numScen = 2
const C = 1
const P = 2
const d = [2, 3]
We now model the master problem using StructJuMP.
using StructJuMP
m1 = StructuredModel(num_scenarios=numScen)
@variable(m1, x >= 0)
@objective(m1, Min, C * x)
For each of the two scenarios we need to create a StructJuMP model specifying that m1
is the parent and that the scenario has probability 1/2
for ξ in 1:numScen
m2 = StructuredModel(parent=m1, prob=1/2, id=ξ)
@variable(m2, s >= 0)
@constraints m2 begin
s <= d[ξ]
s <= x
@objective(m2, Max, P * s)
This structured model need to be transformed into an appropriate structure to run SDDP on it. This is achieved by StructDualDynProg.StochOptInterface.stochasticprogram
using GLPKMathProgInterface
const solver = GLPKMathProgInterface.GLPKSolverLP()
using CutPruners
const pruner = AvgCutPruningAlgo(-1)
using StructDualDynProg
using StochOptInterface
const SOI = StructDualDynProg.SOI
sp = SOI.stochasticprogram(m1, num_stages, solver, pruner)
In this example, we have chosen the GLPK solver but you can use any LP solver listed in the table of the JuliaOpt's webpage.
You can now run the SDDP.Algorithm
on it:
algo = StructDualDynProg.SDDP.Algorithm(K = 2)
sol = SOI.optimize!(sp, algo, SOI.Pereira(0.1) | SOI.IterLimit(10))
We are using 2 forward paths per iteration and we stop either after 10 iterations or once the pereira criterion is satisfied with $\alpha = 0.1$.
We can verify that the algorithm have found the right value by inspecting the solution:
@show SOI.last_result(sol) # Lower and upper bounds are -2.0